Wednesday, 18 March 2015


A media resource is a software-based or hardware-based entity that performs media processing functions on the data streams to which it is connected. Media processing functions include mixing multiple streams to create one output stream (conferencing), passing the stream from one connection to another (media termination point), converting the data stream from one compression type to another (transcoding), streaming music to callers on hold (music on hold), echo cancellation, signaling, voice termination from a TDM circuit (coding/decoding), packetization of a stream, streaming audio (annunciation), and so forth. The software-based resources are provided by the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) IP Voice Media Streaming Service (IP VMS). Digital signal processor (DSP) cards provide both software and hardware based resources.

   Media resources are used majorly to provide following services:

Voice Termination: It is used to convert Analog voice stream to digital voice stream (VoIP) and vice versa.

Transcoding: Transcoding is used to convert an audio stream of one codec to another.

Conferencing: It is used to join multiple voice stream into one stream and joining streams that use different codec.

Media Termination Point (MTP): A media termination point (MTP) is an entity that accepts two full-duplex media streams. It bridges the streams together and allows them to be set up and torn down independently.

Annunciator: Annunciator is used to play different messages based on user action and CUCM policies and call progress tones i.e. your call can be completed and fast busy signal.

Music on Hold: It is used to provide default CUCM music or admin chosen music when a party on call puts another party on hold.

Reference: Collab SNRD 9.0 

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